The Refuse For Research project was closed on March 30, 2013.
Welcome to Refuse For Research
Refuse For Research served the global research community by partnering with the World Community Grid in order to further their mission, " create the world's largest public computing grid to tackle projects that benefit humanity."
The methodology for Refuse For Research was unique:
Donated surplus and broken servers (i.e., refuse that would have wound up in a land fill) were repaired in order to run the software used to conduct research. Most of the infrastructure used (cables, racks, etc.) was also recycled or recovered.
Refuse For Research was online for 4 years, 312
Last Activity: 14 computers processing 63 concurrent
work units.
Daily Averages: 100.48 results turned in for
50,492.05 points awarded.
CPU Run Time: 208 years, 188 days, 15 hours (#145 out
of 613,865).
Results Turned In: 178,243 (#635 out of 613,865).
Points Awarded: 89,572,904 (#648 out of 613,865).
Last Approximate Aggregate Speed: 123.067 GFlops.
15 Project Badges Earned: | ||||
Saddle Creek Logistics Services was the sponsor of this project. They selflessly gave Refuse For Research equipment, support, power, and internet access.
Special Thanks
Special thanks to Woody Blaylock; VP IS and Kathy Fulton; Director ALAN for seeing the value in this endeavor and authorizing the use of Saddle Creek resources and to Bill Baker for his help getting the server equipment sorted out and installed.
Lastly, and most importantly, I want to thank my wife for her invaluable guidance on the usability of the website, her seemingly infinite patience with the long nights I have spent either at the data center or in my office working on this thing, and most of all, her belief in this project and my efforts. Thanks, Doc!